Discourse markers

Discourse markers are phrases which you use to connect your speech more smoothly.  If you don't use them, your speech doesn't flow properly and it is harder for the examiner to follow what you are saying.  

Click on the links below for worksheets on:

  1. giving opinions
  2. talking about the future
  3. talking about trends
  4. making suggestions
  5. time expressions

These phrases are particularly useful in Part Three of the Speaking Test but they can also be used in the other two parts.  Remember no matter how simple the question, you have to show the examiner what you can do!

The more you read and listen to natural English, the more of these expressions you will find.  Try to incorporate them into your own speech.

Here are some more:


The concert was cancelled at the last minute.  Thankfully, we got a refund on our tickets.


My company was offering the chance to work in Rome.  Naturally, I didn't want to miss such a wonderful opportunity.


Generally, I don't like spicy food but on this occasion, I really enjoyed it.


It started to rain heavily.  Luckily, we'd remembered to bring our umbrellas.


The restaurant looked lovely.  Unfortunately, the service was terrible.

In fact,

The course was very useful.  In fact, it was probably the most useful thing I've ever done.