IELTS Speaking Topics: Part 3

Below are some topics for Part 3.  You will typically be asked about six questions on one topic - remember, the topic is related to Task 2.

Before you do this, remember to look at the worksheets for IELTS Speaking Part 3.


  1. What do you think are the preferred places for tourism in your country?
  2. What are the negative impacts of tourism?
  3. How do you think we can make tourism better for the local community?
  4. How has tourism changed in your country over the last 10 years?
  5. How do you think it will change in the future?
  6. How well equipped is your country to deal with tourists?


  1. What do you think are important skills for a teacher?
  2. What facilities should a school have?
  3. What are the problems with the education system in your country?
  4. What can be done to solve these problems?
  5. What do you think the typical classroom will look like in 20 years?
  6. What changes will technological advances make to learning?


  1. How important is it to have a skill?
  2. What is the most useful skill you have?
  3. What skills is it most important to have?
  4. How can children learn different skills?
  5. Can anyone be a good artist/singer etc.?
  6. How much emphasis does your education system put on skills?

The Environment

  1. How much do you recycle/reuse?
  2. How can we teach people to care more about the environment?
  3. How aware are people in your country becoming about environmental problems?
  4. What improvements have been made in your country in the last 20 years?
  5. What is the biggest environmental issue in your country at the moment?
  6. What kind of campaigns does the government run to raise awareness? 


  1. How important are books to you?
  2. Do you think that children don't read enough these days?
  3. How can we make sure children keep reading?
  4. What impact has new technology had on books and reading?
  5. How do book preferences now compare to preferences in the past?
  6. Do you think in the future paper books will disappear all together?


  1. Do you like new technology/gadgets?
  2. How important is technology in your life?
  3. Which device has had the biggest impact on daily life?
  4. How does communication these days differ from communication 10 years ago?
  5. What will be the next big area of technological advance?
  6. What are the disadvantages of all this technology?

Learning a language

  1. How hard do you find it to learn a language?
  2. What aspects do you find most difficult?
  3. Is it necessary to learn the culture of a country to understand its language?
  4. Is it possible to get a good job these days without knowing a second language?
  5. How can people best learn a language?
  6. How does your generation's language abilities compare to those of the younger generation?


  1. What for you is the ideal house?
  2. What is the most common type of housing in your city?
  3. What problems related to housing exist in your country?
  4. How can these problems be solved?
  5. How has housing changed in the last 20 years?
  6. Is it possible for a government to provide housing for everyone?


  1. How important are diet and exercise in your life?
  2. How can people be encouraged to eat healthily?
  3. What are the biggest health risks from poor diet and lack of exercise?
  4. How have people's attitudes to health changed over the last 10 years in your country?
  5. What changes will be made in diet in the future?
  6. Should people with poor health from bad lifestyles have to pay more for health care? 


  1. How easy do you find it to save money?
  2. What are the biggest expenses in your life?
  3. Are people these days more materialistic than in the past?
  4. How can people be taught to spend wisely?
  5. Do people have more money to spend on enjoyment than in the past in your country?
  6. What consequences has that led to?


  1. What kinds of media do you use most often?
  2. Why do you choose those?
  3. How has media changed in the last 20 years?
  4. What more changes could there be in the future?
  5. Do you think that print newspapers will disappear?
  6. Do you think that television can survive in its current form?


  1. Does your office encourage flexible working hours/working from home?
  2. What improvements could your office make in terms of working conditions?
  3. What kind of rules does your country have for working mothers?
  4. How could the position of working mothers be improved?
  5. How do you see the office of the future?
  6. Is it possible for a company to be completely paperless?


  1. What are the most important celebrations in your country?
  2. What is their significance?
  3. Are certain gifts given on certain occasions?
  4. Do you think that people celebrate festivals as much as they did in the past?
  5. How can festivals/celebrations keep people united?
  6. Do you think that in the future we will stop celebrating festivals?


  1. What are the key aspects of your culture?
  2. What different cultures exist in your country?
  3. How do they differ?
  4. Is culture becoming less important to young people today?
  5. How can we keep different cultures alive?
  6. Do you think that we can learn from history?


  1. Do families tend to be nuclear or extended in your country?
  2. Do children generally stay a long time with their parents when they are adults?
  3. Can you compare family life in your country with another country you know?
  4. How has family life changed in the last 10 years?
  5. Do you think that families will be less close in the future?
  6. What can children learn from the older members of their family?


  1. How well do you remember your childhood?
  2. Do you think that children are free enough these days?
  3. How is childhood now better/worse than it was in the past?
  4. What is the most important thing for children?
  5. What kind of problems do children face in different parts of the world?
  6. What can we do to solve those problems?